Wrote this as a writing project for a final in my freshman year, it got me an A!

Festival night was here. Shezzarine watched as people poured into the castle’s dour. Dressed in all kinds of outfits. Suits in sangria with mulberry threads. Patterns etched carefully into the clothes. Others donned the outfits of Angels. Wearing long white cloaks that sunk to their ankles, gladiator sandals, and feathers on their necks. Each outfit spoke to an air of elegance, with scents of cinnamon, mandarin, and lavender to elevate. Much like Shezzo’s own outfit, all black, her dress an ankle level gown helped her standout. She knew that tonight it would be up to her to lead things in the absence of her mother, Silinal. Though it made her anxious, she wanted to impress her mother tonight. The night would be long, so she’d have to be persistent. Sitting in the lounge in a chair, gripping the sides. Anxiety forming a lump in her throat.
Standing up straight, she walked into the ballroom. Watching people pour into the ballroom, she got up high on a balcony. Tapping against a glass to get everyone’s attention, only to immediately feel the regret kick in as every pair of eyes in the room looked over towards her. Shezzo gulped, but steadied herself. She’d just act like her mother for this.

“Evening everyone. Tonight marks the 250th anniversary of Saint Gehenna, our very first ruler being struck to death by angels. Despite the hardships we face, we prosper! For that we should celebrate!”

Keeping her face calm and composed, Shezzarine spoke with as steady a voice she could muster and as grand as she could get.  Though she was smiling softly towards the end, her anxiety was sold as excitement. The crowd cheered and clapped, and a feeling of pride wafted over her. With the ending of her speech, a soft violin filled the room along with the chitters of people. Stepping down, she immediately darted off towards the lounge once more. From which a few people had started to fill the room. 
She felt awkward sitting there. In her mother’s shoes which were so big and so hard to fill. Silinal was imposing. She was calculated, she was charming, she was driven and she was the complete opposite of her daughter. Shezzo was awkward and she often spoke too little, and kept to herself. She was down to earth to the point of being a doormat. Yet Silinal wasn’t here tonight, she was lurking in the shadows, waiting for the bell to toll at midnight.
Shezzarine tried to pull herself together, tried to act a little like how her mother would when this festival would come around. She let loose, so many people around means that their eyes couldn’t possibly be on her. Even if they were in her castle, in the audience of a princess. She let a smile crack on her still face. Though it looked less like she was smiling and more like she was tired and out of it. She sat relaxed, a bit slouched in her plush chair. Gripping the sides of the seat. When compared to her mother, she looked a bit disordered. But Shezzo wasn’t her mother.

After at least an hour of sitting and waiting and entertaining lackluster conversations, Shezzo heard the bell toll. Boosting herself up from her chair, she walked into the ballroom. Hearing that the music had gone from something casual to something more formal like a sway. Everyone paired up into two, hands joined together as they flowed to the melody. 
Shezzarine cracked a giddy smile, seeing a figure emerge from the hall. Hulking, dressed in a long white cloak. Feathers to hide gold colored horns, though her skin and crimson eyes were a dead giveaway. In her hand, a dimly golden trident. She trudged through couples and pairs, eager for the perfect victim. Shezzo gleamed, seeing her mother had emerged. She was sitting behind the crowd, watching as her mother grabbed one of the attendees by the collar, positioning the trident just right enough so that it would look like a stab. In reality however, it was nothing more than stage play.

“So, how was it?,” Silinal said warmly as Shezzarine helped her out of her outfit.

“Frightening. So many people, so many things I need to do. Gotta act regal and such. Sit with my legs closed, keep a calm face. Have to seem inviting.”

“Shezzarine, I don’t do half of that,” Silinal laughed a bit in response. “I just try to enjoy myself, keep a loose face and have some fun.”
Shezzo let her words sink in for a moment. Helping her mother to pry all the fake feathers off her body. The cloak being the last thing on her body. Each feather softly swayed down onto her lap, as Shezzarine peeled them off of her neck.

“You don’t? But in every painting of you, you always look so regal.”

“True, but those are paintings. They make an image of me, but I don’t have to live up to it.”

Shezzarine looked down. Her hands now come to her mother’s long hair to run through it. Silinal continued to speak.

“Quite frankly, Saint Gehenna’s Ball is more of an informal formal event. It’s just an excuse to get dressed up nice and live a little on an otherwise grim day of our history.”

“Oh... I guess that makes sense.”  

Shezzo looked at her mother.. mostly out of her outfit save for that long white cloak. She sighed, seeming tired.

“Now, Shezzarine. Do you need help getting that dress off?”

“I can just reach around and undo it myself..”

“And tear the fabric? Just because it won’t happen the first time doesn’t mean you’re safe for the third.”

“Fine,” Shezzarine let up, though hesitance was present in her voice. “What happened to that guy from earlier though?”

“I dragged him into a separate room. Should be fine.”

“But you hit him before then?”

“Not really. I dove the trident into the part between his arm and chest.”

“Oh.. I suppose that makes sense.”

“Did you think I actually stabbed him?”

“A little. I imagine you wouldn’t have gone too deep on the cut.”

“Shezzarine!,” Silinal cried with a fake tone of hurt. “How could you think such a thing of me?”

“It seemed realistic..”

Silinal let down her act of hurt, a hearty chuckle leaves her throat.

“Not even I’m allowed to whack a civilian.. Even if some would really deserve it.”

Shezzo sighed and held her head down a bit. Truthfully she just wanted to get her dress off and get into bed and forget about this night. Sensing the tire in her daughter, Silinal sat up from her chair.

“You did great,” She crooned. “Now let me help you out of that dress.”